Tag: North America

North America – Sports

Basketball, American Football, and Baseball are the most popular sports in North America. The NBA is the most played sport in America, it’s also starting to be popular to the rest of the world. The most iconic, well known NBA players are Kobe Bryant, Lebron James and Michael Jordan. American Football was introduced in the mid 1960s, it takes the crown when it comes to popularity and is the most watched sport. 40-60 million people used to watch American football back in the 1960s, but now there’s more than 121 million viewers watching it today. Back in 1989 baseball used to be the 2nd most played sport. 50% of North America used to watch baseball, but back in the days around 1900 and 1920, 1 million watched it.

Task Description :  Today we are doing a Information report. My group was to learn about North America sports, well others do different topics about North America. Before my group started our writing we did some note takings. We gathered all the information and created it into writing. 

Make sure to leave a positive comment. 


North America – Writing

North America


North America has  a population of 579 million. It is made up of 23 different countries, including Mexico, Canada and America. It is the 3rd largest continent behind Africa and Asia. In this information report we will be discussing; History, Tourism and Sports.

Task Description : Today we wrote a an introduction as a class, we will now be working on writing the main paragraphs, stay tuned for more!