Design Your Own Surfboard – SLJ

Task Description : Welcome to my blog ! Here is a task I just completed. As you can see, I was to create my own surfboard! Once I have completed I got to create a Business slide, and it turned out great.  I got some inspiration off peoples surfboard and this is how it came out to be ! I am very proud with it. The Swimming Surfboards Logo was an idea of mine, I wanted to make this seem realistic. I enjoyed doing this and it was fun getting to decorate and design this task.

Leave a positive comment and please feel free to ask questions, I am always happy to reply and answer.

WALT : On the SLJ slide you will find this task. The kick start is to create a surfboard, and to step it up you could use that surfboard you have just created into a business slide like mine. Be very creative with this and it doesn’t have to be the same as this. If you have completed make sure to post on your blog and explain your work. 


2 thoughts on “Design Your Own Surfboard – SLJ

  1. Mōrena Tumoe,

    This is such an awesome activity as surfing is such a cool summer based activity and designing your own business model is a great activity to build on your design and marketing skills.

    I love your surfboard design with the beautiful string of flowers, I would definitely buy this if I was searching for a new surfboard and after seeing your sales pitch there is no doubt I would purchase. Your little slogan is a great push and I can imagine reading it on a billboard or hearing it in an ad on TV.

    I would like to know what inspired your design, have you seen similar surfboards or is it something you would be interested in buying?

    I think you did such an awesome job with this activity and your slides are so detailed and creative. I am going to award you with a bonus point and mark this is an outstanding post!!

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more of your posts.
    Ka kite anō,
    Zana Yates

  2. Kia Ora Tumoe.
    My name is Khaing Shwe and I am from Pt England School.Your Surfboard is awesome and also I love the flower design on your surfboard.
    Take Care Tumoe
    Khaing Shwe

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