Year: 2022

My Mars Rover : Minecraft – SLJ



Hello, and Merry Christmas to everyone! I had absolutely nothing to do, so I chose to do the SLJ ! This activity was much harder than I expected, but doing something challenging was actually very fun, because I got to build and learn at the same time! 

Instead of building a rover on Google Drawing, I chose to do this on Minecraft! The rover I built took very long, but I did take my time doing this. To be honest with you,  I had no idea how to build a Rover so I got inspiration ! Credits to them. I enjoyed getting to do this! It was long, but worth it. 

WALT : Go on the SLJ website, read instructions ! Go on Minecraft and build your rover. Be unique! After adding your finished touches make sure to name your rover!! Post it and share it with everyone just like me. 🙂

Cool Characters – SLJ


For SLJ, I decided to do something fun. As you can see, the character I drew was rushed, but I added a few details. Trust me, it was better than before ! Also the daisies ! Suits the character and makes the perfect size for the big round eyes. 

WALT: Went on the SLJ website and found a fun simple activity. First I drew my character, it doesn’t have to be the same as mine. Be unique!  I went outside to my backyard and found some daises, put all the objects together and made this fun looking character. You can be like me and name it, I’ll go for the name ‘Dairy’ !  

Response to Text : The Weird Zone

Task Description : Today book we are reading for the task, response to text, is called “The Weird Zone”. This book is very interesting and I found so many things. Had to make sure I was using the perfect word and checked through everything. Leave a comment if any questions needing to be asked! 

WALT : This slide you will be creating a prediction on what you think the book is going to be about, Do not read the book though! As you move on this slide is where you’ll describing the most important person in the book. Get a image of what they look like! Keep going! This slide you’ll explain and look for the challenge in the book, and also look for how the important character in the book overcomes the problem. Move on! You should be done with the book right now and had a words that were confusing to you. Find out the meaning of it! Nearly done! You may have a few questions about the book, so look for the answer. Lastly write the main parts of the book and use it in your own words, do this to see how much you’ve learnt from the book. Now post this own your blog with a description, clean! 

Chow Chow!

Invisible Strings – Immersion Rotation

Task Description : Today with Miss. Tuia during Immersion Rotation we were learning about Invisible Strings this means what people see in you with connections. I learnt lot about other people and what they thought about me. This was very fun and quick to do. Make sure to check my work and to also leave a comment if any questions need to be answered about my work. 

WALT: If you move onto the next slide you will describing what activity, skill, talent, interest that make you feel you. After completing this task, the very next slide is where you will have to be asking some peers what they think about you, but doesn’t have to be peers it can also be someone you don’t hang with. As you move on, Just few answers you’ll be answering about your friends or peers. Nearly finish! Choose three words that identify you, lastly next slide! ( Find Out Yourself! )


Number of the Week – Porowhita

Task Description : Today’s Maths we have, Number of the week. The number for this week is 891! Very simple and easy to do, lots of dragging to do and copy and pastes! Check my work and leave a comment if any questions need to be answered !

WALT : All you need to do is to work with the number you have, each slide you would be doing different Maths with the number. Once your done, post on blog with a task description! 

Feeling Joy! – Immersion Rotation

Task Description : I have completed Miss Parrants task. We had immersion rotation! It’s where you go to different classrooms and learn about the schools theme. Check my work and leave a comment if any questions!

WALT: Listen to pages 13-14 of Arohas way, write about her following emotions. Next slide, take a picture or video of you breathing and insert into slide. Next slide, write a list of words that is joy for you. Lastly, explain how you felt after doing dance with the class you are in. Also explain some things you have learn today! 

Good day!

Moving & Feelings – Immersion Rotation

Task Description : Here we have a task that has from Miss Sio. We had immersion rotation, is when you do other work with other classes learning about schools theme! We needed a partner, so I was with Eleni! This task was very fun and enjoyable, check my work and leave a comment! 

WALT : As you go on my work click right arrow for next slide. Once you are on the next slide there will be a small video there for you to watch, after watching the video go on to the next slide. On this slide you will be explaining how you feel today. Now on this other slide you will be taking pictures of four positions you will be doing. You need a friend to do this! Theres a small questions there for you to answer. Once you completed taking pictures there is some words you will be listing that describes Aroha. Again another question there for you to ask. After finishing all that work, on last side you will need to b taking a picture about how you feel completing the work! 



Response to Text – The Best Holiday Ever!

Task Description : Here we have our response to text. The book we were reading is called “The Best Holiday Ever!” This was last weeks work but finally get to complete it, Check my work and leave a comment!

WALT : Above this text check the work I have provided for you! Next slide is a where you will be describing the characters. Right arrow for next slide, tell the bits about the main, important and interesting events from the text. Next slide, choose three words that you find confusing, work out what they mean. Final slide, once you have finished reading the text you should have taken all the important things in mind. Let’s be able to write a summary about the book, with what you know. Right as much as you could remember! If done, post on blog with a task description! 

Sleep tight!



Who is Aroha? – Immersion Rotation

Task Description : Today, me and my class had immersion rotations where we go to different classes and learn about this book called “Arohas Way”. My friend and I helped each other to make this completed. Check my work and Elenis.  leave a positive comment on our blogs!

WALT : Make a copy, then begin. On this next slide, its not really important its just a few questions that you don’t need to answer. Next slide is where you will be using words that describes what you think Aroha is feeling. As you continue on the next slide you just need to be describing Arohas 4 different emotions using words. Lastly, explain with details what you think Aroha is feeling, is she sad, bored or tired. After you have written what you think she is doing, a question asked is “Have you ever felt this way before?” Talk about it and once your done, publish on blog with a clean Task description.